Callback Authentication

Upon completion of the verification, AiPrise sends a callback (a POST request) to the set callback_url.

For events like case status update (or other actions being manually done on the dashboard), set the events_callback_url.

There are two ways to set the callback_url or events_callback_url:

  1. Set the URL at the template level. This can be set from the Dashboard > View Templates > {TemplateID}.
  2. Set the URL with each verification request using parameter callback_url or events_callback_url. (Sending the URL in this way will override the URL set at the template level using 1. above)



In case callback_url is set in the verification request, it will take precedence over the one set at the template level.


How to make sure the callback response originates from AiPrise:

  • Make sure X-HMAC-SIGNATURE is present in the header
  • Generate the keyed hash of the payload using HMAC-SHA256 function and the API private key
  • Hex encode the hash
  • Compare the hex encoded hash with the X-HMAC-SIGNATURE header sent by AiPrise

How to know which callback corresponds to which request:

  • You can use the verification_session_id generated by AiPrise when the request was created.
  • You can pass an id in client_reference_id while creating the request. We pass this back in the callback.


  • Here are a few code examples on how to sign the request.

Example Payload

payloadAsString='{"verification_session_id": "123408f2-2bbb-415f-aafc-92212341234", "template_id": "123456-3434-2342-3453-b4218a4fb333", "client_reference_id": null, "aiprise_summary": {"tags": [], "reasons": [], "notes": [], "verification_result": "APPROVED"}, "created_at": 1668974142818}'

The result of the generated hash should be f8bf141ba610974d65f5dd603f7388474c366d1b95a13799748f92261610ba86 using code examples below with the API private key abcdef12-pqrs-abcd-pqrs-abcde0123456.

JavaScript / ECMAScript

const hashVal = crypto
  .createHmac('sha256', apiKey)
  .update(Buffer.from(payloadAsString, 'utf8'))



hash_val = hmac \
            msg=bytes(payload, encoding='utf-8'),
        ) \
        .hexdigest() \



  $hashVal = strtolower(hash_hmac('sha256', $payloadAsString, $apiKey));
  echo $hashVal;

C# / .Net

var hmacsha256 = new HMACSHA256(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(api_key));
var hash = hmacsha256.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payloadAsString));
var hashVal = Convert.ToHexString(hash).ToLower();
