Warning Codes

For every business verification, we run a series of validations. One or more warnings may be generated if the validation fails to pass.

Business Warnings

Warning CodeDescriptionDecision
COMPANY_NOT_FOUNDNo company found with the given ID/name.DECLINED
COMPANY_NUMBER_NOT_VALID_FORMATThe company number specified does not match the format expected.DECLINED
COMPANY_PREVIOUSLY_SEENThe given business entity_id/tax_id has been previously verified.APPROVED
BUSINESS_ID_MISMATCHMismatch between supplied Business entity ID and extracted Business IDDECLINED
BUSINESS_INFO_NAME_MISMATCHMismatch between supplied Business Name and Business name in extracted Business InformationDECLINED

AML/PEP Warnings

Warning CodeDescriptionDecision
AML_MATCHPotential match from AML database.REVIEW
API_DATA_REQUIREMENTS_NOT_METMissing required fields to run the API.DECLINED

Custom Error Code

Warning CodeDescriptionDecision
CUSTOM_ERROR_CODEIn this case, a custom error message is returned explaining more details about the warning. This is used in case a warning happened which is not one of the above.REVIEW