User Verification Response


For all user verifications:

  • KYC
  • Govt Check
  • AML Check
  • Fraud Check
  • Biometric Check
  • Additional Info
  • Custom Template

AiPrise returns a streamlined response.

This document shows the structure of that response:

aiprise_summaryAn overall summary of the response. Contains the final verification result.Present
statusThe run status of the verification.Present
status_reasonsIf for some reason, the verification failed, this populates the reasons.Optional
id_infoContains all the information extracted from the identity document.Optional
face_match_infoContains information about the face match between selfie and the identity document.Optional
face_liveness_infoContains information about user liveness.Optional
aml_infoContains AML checks of the user.Optional
additional_infoContains information about checks run on additional_infoOptional
fraud_insightsContains fraud insights of the user.Optional
client_reference_idAn ID you have associated with your verification request.Present
verification_session_idVerification Session ID (unique to every verification session).Present
template_idThe template ID against which verification was run.Present
environmentIn the sandbox, returns SANDBOX, in production, returns nullOptional
created_atCreation time of the verification session.

Stored as Unix timestamp in milliseconds.

Response properties explained


This object contains the summary of results from AiPrise.

aiprise_summary is an object containing the following fields:

  • verification_result: string This is one of APPROVED, DECLINED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
Verification ResultDescription
APPROVEDThe end user or business has been verified. The verification process successfully completed.
DECLINEDThe end user or business has not been verified. The verification process successfully completed.
REVIEWThe end user or business needs to be manually looked at. The verification process successfully completed.
UNKNOWNUnknown status. The verification process is not started or has failed.


The status corresponds to the run status of the verification process.

status is a string which can be one of NOT_STARTED, RUNNING, PENDING, FAILED, COMPLETED.

NOT_STARTEDThe verification process has not started yet. Most likely pre-conditions are being checked.
SUBMITTEDThe verification process has been submitted but has not started yet.
RUNNINGThe verification process is running.
PENDINGThe verification process is waiting for a third-party API to complete its processing.
FAILEDThe verification process failed. status_reasons(explained below) should have more details.
COMPLETEDThe verification process successfully completed.


This object is populated when the above status is set to FAILED

status_reasons is an array of objects. Example :

"status_reasons": [
    "message": "Invalid user data. identity_number_type missing."

A full list of status_reasons can be found in Status Error Codes


This object contains ID data extracted from the document.

id_info is an object with the following structure

  • result: string: One of APPROVED, DECLINED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
  • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
  • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
  • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
  • id_type: string | null: The type of identity document detected.
  • id_number: string | null: The document number or ID number.
  • personal_number: string | null: Many documents have 2 numbers, a document number, and a person's number. This field has information about the person's number.
  • id_expiry_date: string | null: ID expiry date in YYYY-MM-DD.
  • id_issue_date: string | null: ID issue date in YYYY-MM-DD.
  • first_name: string | null: First name extracted from the document.
  • middle_name: string | null: Middle name extracted from the document.
  • last_name: string | null: Last name extracted from the document.
  • second_last_name: string | null: Second last name extracted from the document. (Only returned in Latin American region.)
  • full_name: string | null: Full name extracted from the document. Only present if the first and last names were not extracted separately from the document.
  • birth_date: string | null: Birth date in YYYY-MM-DD.
  • gender: string | null: Gender of the user. It is not guaranteed to be of the form "M"/"F".
  • nationality: string | null: Nationality of the user.
  • nationality_code: string | null: Nationality of the user as an ISO 2-letter country code.
  • issue_country: string | null: Document issue country.
  • issue_country_code: string | null: Document issue country as an ISO 2-letter country code.
  • address: object | null: Contains address extracted from the document.
    • full_address: string | null: Address as a single string.
    • parsed_address: object | null: Parsed address.
      • address_street_1: object | null
      • address_street_2: object | null
      • address_city: object | null
      • address_state: object | null
      • address_country: object | null
      • address_zip_code: object | null
  • document_details: object | null: Contains details extracted from the document.
    • mrz_data: object | null: Contains details extracted from the document MRZ. It's a key-value pair where the key is of type string and value is of type string.
    • barcode_data: object | null: Contains details extracted from the document barcode. It's a key-value pair where the key is of type string and value is of type string.
    • ocr_data: object | null: Contains all data extracted from the document. It's a key-value pair where the key is of type string and value is of type string.
  • lookup_details: object| null: Contains details about ID from third-party and government databases.
    • lookup_list: Array of objects: A list containing ID lookup details
      • lookup_source: string | null: Name of third-party or government database.
      • lookup_type: string | null: One of CURP(Mexico), NIN(Nigeria), BVN(Nigeria), AADHAAR (India), PAN (India), VOTER_ID, PASSPORT, DRIVER_LICENSE, NATIONAL_ID.
      • issuer_country_code: string | null: 2-letter country code.
      • lookup_data: object | null: Raw data from the lookup. It's a key-value pair where the key is of type string and value is of type object.
      • result: string: One of APPROVED, DECLINED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
      • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
      • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
      • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
  • field_info: object | null: Contains information about KYC fields and whether the extracted data is crosschecked with any other source. It is a key-value pair where the key is of type string and value if of type object.
    • key: the key is of type string and is one of id_number, id_expiry_date, id_issue_date, first_name, middle_name, last_name, second_last_name, full_name, personal_number, birth_date, gender.
    • value: value is of type object.
      • matched: Crosscheck databases for the key matches.
      • unmatched: Crosscheck databases the key does not match.


This object contains face-match data.

face_match_info is an object with the following structure

  • result: string: One of APPROVED, DECLINED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
  • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
  • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
  • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
  • face_match_score: float: Face match score of the selfie provided and the selfie from the ID. The value is out of 100.


This object contains face liveness data.

face_liveness_info is an object with the following structure

  • result: string: One of APPROVED, DECLINED, REVIEW,UNKNOWN.
  • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
  • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
  • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
  • source: string: | null: Only present in cases when AiPrise screens are used and in-screen liveness is enabled.


This object contains AML data.

  • result: string: One of APPROVED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
  • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
  • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
  • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
  • num_hits: int: Number of AML hits found.
  • search_criteria: object\ : containing the original search constraints
    • search_term: string that was searched
    • fuzziness_score: number: fuzziness between 1 to 100
    • exact_match: boolean: whether the results needed to be an exact match
  • entity_hits: Array of objects | null: A list of hits.
    • entity_type: string: One of PERSON, COMPANY, ORGANISATION, UNKNOWN.
    • name: string: Name against which the Hit has occurred.
    • name_match_score: float: Name match score. The value is out of 100.
    • date_of_birth: string | null: The date of birth. There is no defined format for the date.
    • date_of_birth_match_score: string | null: Date of birth match score. The value is out of 100.
    • also_known_as: Array of string: A list of alternate names for this entity.
    • aml_hits: Array of objects: A list of AML hits for this entity.
      • source_details: object | null:
        • name: string | null: Source name.
        • source_id: string | null: Source id.
        • url: string | null: Source URL.
        • listing_started: string | null: Listing start date.
        • listing_ended: string| null: Listing end date.
        • country_codes: Array of strings | null: List of countries.
        • aml_types: Array of strings | null: Detailed AML types.
      • fields: Array of objects | null
        • name: string: The field key.
        • value: string | object: The field value.
        • type: string | null: The type of this field. One of date_of_birth, place_of_birth, date_of_death, country_codes, country_names, url.
      • media: Array of objects | null: A list of media objects.
        • title: string | null: Media listing title.
        • url: string| null: Media listing url.
        • date: string | null: Media listing date.
        • snippet: string | null: Media listing snippet.


Array of objects containing information about checks run on additional_info sent in the request

    "additional_info_type": "",
    "additional_info_response_type": "",
    "data": {}

additional_info object:

  • additional_info_response_type: string: One of ID_INFO, ADDRESS_VERIFICATION, DOCUMENT_INSIGHTS.
  • data: object: Information extracted during the check. It can be of the following types:
    • id info: object: Information about check run on id
    • address verification info: object: Information about address verification
    • document insights: object information about document insights
    id info:
    address verification info:
    • result: string: One of APPROVED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
    • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
    • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
    • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
    • extracted_address: object | null:
      • full_address: string
      • parsed_address: object | null: Parsed address.
        • address_street_1: object | null
        • address_street_2: object | null
        • address_city: object | null
        • address_state: object | null
        • address_country: object | null
        • address_zip_code: object | null
    • document_issue_date: string | null
    • first_name: string | null
    • middle_name:string | null
    • last_name: string | null
    • full_name: string | null
    • name_match: boolean | null
    • address_match: boolean | null
    • document_type: string | null
    • info_indicators: Array of objects | null: A list of info indicator associated with the document.
    • risk_indicators: Array of objects | null: A list of risk indicators associated with the document.
    • trust_indicators: Array of objects | null: a list of trust indicators associated with the document
    • document_metadata:Object | null: an object containing information about the document like producer, creator, creation_date, modification_date, author, title, keywords, subject.
    • document_class_id: string: document class id
    • document_class_type: string: document class type
    • document_class_variant: string: document class variant
    document insights:
    • result: string: One of APPROVED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
    • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
    • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this document.
    • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
    • info_indicators: Array of objects | null: A list of info indicator associated with the document.
    • risk_indicators: Array of objects | null: A list of risk indicators associated with the document.
    • trust_indicators: Array of objects | null: a list of trust indicators associated with the document
    • document_metadata:Object | null: an object containing information about the document like producer, creator, creation_date, modification_date, author, title, keywords, subject.
    • document_class_id: string: document class id
    • document_class_type: string: document class type
    • document_class_variant: string: document class variant


This object contains fraud insights.

  • result: string: One of APPROVED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
  • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
  • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
  • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
  • ip_insights: object | null:

    • result: string: One of APPROVED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
    • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
    • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
    • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
    • internet_service_provider: string | null
    • ip_address: string | null
    • unique_hash: string | null
    • vpn: string | null
    • location: object | null:
      • city: string | null
      • country: string | null
      • country_code: string | null
      • geo_name_id: string | null
      • latitude: float | null
      • longitude: float | null
      • postal_code: string | null
      • region: string | null
      • timezone: string | null
  • device_insights: object | null:

    • result: string: One of APPROVED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
    • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
    • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
    • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
    • bot_status: boolean | null
    • browser_full_version: string | null
    • browser_major_version: string | null
    • browser_name: string | null
    • device: string | null
    • incognito: boolean | null
    • os: string | null
    • os_version: string | null
    • privacy_settings: boolean | null
    • user_agent: string | null
  • email_insights: Array of objects | null

    • result: string: One of APPROVED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
    • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
    • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
    • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
    • breaches: Array of objects | null
      • breach_date: string | null
      • domain_name: string | null
      • platform_name: string | null
    • domain_info: object | null
      • company_name: string | null
      • disposable: boolean | null
      • domain_name: string | null
      • free_provider: boolean | null
      • registered: boolean | null
      • top_level_domain: string | null
    • email: string | null
    • email_tenure: string | null
    • first_breach: string | null
    • is_breached: boolean | null
    • last_breach: string | null
    • no_of_breaches: integer | null
    • persons: Array of objects | null
      • addresses: Array of objects | null
      • date_of_births: Array of objects | null
      • email_address: object | null
      • genders: Array of objects | null
      • ip_addresses: Array of objects | null
      • names: Array of objects | null
      • national_id: string | null
      • phone_number: string | null
    • social_profiles: Array of objects | null
      • account_id: string | null
      • last_seen: string | null
      • name: string | null
      • photo: string | null
      • platform: string | null
      • registered: boolean | null
  • phone_insights: Array of objects | null

    • result: string: One of APPROVED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
    • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
    • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
    • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
    • country: string | null
    • current_carrier: string | null
    • original_carrier: string | null
    • phone_active: string | null
    • phone_disposable: boolean | null
    • phone_number: string | null
    • phone_type: string | null
    • phone_valid: boolean | null
    • persons: Array of objects | null
      • addresses: Array of objects | null
      • date_of_births: Array of objects | null
      • email_address: object | null
      • genders: Array of objects | null
      • ip_addresses: Array of objects | null
      • names: Array of objects | null
      • national_id: string | null
      • phone_number: string | null
    • social_profiles: Array of objects | null
      • account_id: string | null
      • last_seen: string | null
      • name: string | null
      • photo: string | null
      • platform: string | null
      • registered: boolean | null
  • geolocation_insights: object | null:

    • result: string: One of APPROVED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
    • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
    • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
    • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons. Only present when the status is FAILED.
    • latitude: string | null
    • longitude: string | null
    • accuracy: string | null
    • altitude: string | null
    • altitude_accuracy: string | null
    • heading: string | null
    • speed: string | null


An ID you have associated with your verification request.

client_reference_id is a string


Verification Session ID (unique to every verification session).

verification_session_id is a string


Template ID against which this verification was processed.

template_id is a string


In the Sandbox environment, returns SANDBOX. In the production environment, the field is not present.


Unix timestamp in milliseconds at which the verification response was created.

created_at is an integer

Sample verification response:

    "aiprise_summary": {
        "verification_result": "APPROVED"
    "aml_info": {
        "entity_hits": [],
        "num_hits": 0,
        "result": "APPROVED",
      	"status": "COMPLETED"
    "client_reference_id": null,
    "created_at": 1681751214017,
    "face_match_info": {
        "face_match_score": 98.59,
        "result": "APPROVED",
      	"status": "COMPLETED"
    "face_liveness_info": {
        "result": "APPROVED",
      	"status": "COMPLETED"
    "id_info": {
        "address": {
            "full_address": "TEST_FULL_ADDRESS",
            "parsed_address": {
                "address_city": "TEST_CITY",
                "address_country": "USA",
                "address_state": "TEST_STATE",
                "address_street_1": "TEST_ADDRESS_STREET_1",
                "address_street_2": "TEST_ADDRESS_STREET_2",
                "address_zip_code": "TEST_ZIP_CODE"
        "birth_date": "1990-01-31",
        "document_details": {
            "ocr_data": {
                "Date of Birth": "1990-01-31",
                "Document Country": "MX",
                "Document Number": "TEST123",
                "Driver License Category": true,
                "Driver License Category From": "2019-10-06",
                "Driver License Category Until": "2025-10-05",
                "Expiry Date": "2030-12-31",
                "First Name": "TEST_FIRST_NAME",
                "Gender": "M",
                "Issue Date": "2015-12-31",
                "Issue Number": "1523",
                "Issued By": "ISSUER",
                "Last Name": "TEST_FIRST_NAME",
                "Nationality": "TEST_COUNTRY",
                "Place of Birth": "MADRID",
                "Year of Birth": "1990"
            "mrz_data": {
                "Date of Birth": "1990-01-31",
                "Document Country": "MX",
                "Document Number": "TEST123",
            "barcode_data": {
                "Date of Birth": "1990-01-31",
                "Document Country": "MX",
                "Document Number": "TEST123",
        "first_name": "TEST_FIRST_NAME",
        "gender": "M",
        "id_expiry_date": "2030-12-31",
        "id_issue_date": "2015-12-31",
        "id_number": "TEST123",
        "id_type": "DRIVER_LICENSE",
        "issue_country": "Mexico",
        "issue_country_code": "MX",
        "last_name": "TEST_LAST_NAME",
        "nationality": "TEST_COUNTRY",
        "result": "APPROVED",
      	"status": "COMPLETED"
    "fraud_insights": {
      "email_insights": [
          "breaches": [
                  "breach_date": "2019-10-16",
                  "domain_name": null,
                  "platform_name": "PDL"
      	"domain_info": {
            "company_name": "Google LLC",
            "disposable": false,
            "domain_name": "",
            "free_provider": true,
            "registered": true,
            "top_level_domain": ".com"
      	"email": "[email protected]",
        "email_tenure": 4.49,
        "first_breach": "2019-10-16",
        "is_breached": true,
        "last_breach": "2023-01-25",
        "no_of_breaches": 1,
        "persons": [
              "addresses": [
                  "address_city": "Singapore",
                  "address_country": "SGP",
                  "address_line_1": "Room 1111, Level 1, Block 56, Hall 11",
                  "address_line_2": "20 Nanyang Avenue",
                  "address_state": null,
                  "last_seen": null,
                  "latitude": "1.35494",
                  "longitude": "103.68653",
                  "postal_code": "639809",
                  "valid_since": "2023-09-27T00:00:00Z"
              "date_of_births": null,
              "email_address": {
                "last_seen": null,
                "valid_since": "2021-01-21T00:00:00Z",
                "value": "[email protected]"
              "genders": null,
              "ip_addresses": [
                  "last_seen": null,
                  "valid_since": "2023-09-27T00:00:00Z",
                  "value": "111.22.333.44"
              "names": [
                  "last_seen": null,
                  "valid_since": "2022-09-08T00:00:00Z",
                  "value": "John Smith"
                  "last_seen": null,
                  "valid_since": "2023-09-27T00:00:00Z",
                  "value": "Jason Smith"
              "national_id": null,
              "phone_number": null
          "result": "FOUND",
          "social_profiles": [
              "account_id": null,
              "last_seen": null,
              "name": null,
              "photo": null,
              "platform": "apple",
              "registered": false
          "status": "COMPLETED"
      "phone_insights": [
          "country": "VN",
          "current_carrier": "Mobile Viettel",
          "original_carrier": "Mobile Viettel",
          "phone_active": "YES",
          "phone_disposable": false,
          "phone_number": "9422131119",
          "phone_type": "MOBILE",
          "phone_valid": true,
          "result": "FOUND",
          "social_profiles": [
              "account_id": null,
              "last_seen": null,
              "name": null,
              "photo": null,
              "platform": "google",
              "registered": false
          "status": "COMPLETED"
      "device_insights": {
          "bot_status": false,
          "browser_full_version": "124.0.6367",
          "browser_major_version": "124",
          "browser_name": "Chrome Mobile WebView",
          "device": "Infinix X6817",
          "incognito": false,
          "os": "Android",
          "os_version": "12",
          "privacy_settings": false,
          "result": "UNKNOWN",
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; Infinix X6817 Build/SP1A.210812.016; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/124.0.6367.180 Mobile Safari/537.36"
      "ip_insights": {
        "internet_service_provider": "MTN NIGERIA Communication limited",
        "ip_address": "",
        "location": {
            "city": "Lagos",
            "country": "Nigeria",
            "country_code": "NG",
            "geo_name_id": null,
            "latitude": 6.4474,
            "longitude": 3.3903,
            "postal_code": null,
            "region": "Lagos",
            "timezone": "Africa/Lagos"
        "result": "UNKNOWN",
        "section_id": "fbe49ded-f23a-4fe4-9cf9-de18385abedd",
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "unique_hash": "81tVVjQVv8d7oCPb0Zte",
        "vpn": false
      "result": "UNKNOWN",
      "section_id": "9e7e4987-5b89-4e26-b06b-b1ee5a560205",
      "status": "COMPLETED"
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "template_id": "5fd6dddd-4bb1-4d31-8bd7-27801a176c8f",
    "verification_session_id": "2479f0221-517e-4f60-8dff-14a906098ad1"