Business Verification Response


For all business verifications:

  • KYB
  • AML Check
  • Custom Template

AiPrise returns a streamlined response.

aiprise_summaryAn overall summary of the response. Contains the final verification result.Present
statusThe run status of the verification.Present
status_reasonsIf for some reason, the verification failed, this populates the reasons.Optional
business_infoContains all the information extracted about the businessOptional
registration_infoContains information about the registry record of the businessOptional
related_personsContains information about the directors & other officers of the company.Optional
related_companiesContains information about the subsidiaries & other related businesses. Optional
aml_infoContains AML checks of the business.Optional
website_infoContains information & insights scraped from their website.Optional
eventsContains information about significant changes in the stakeholders/registration of the company.Optional
lookup_infoContains information about any government / public registry lookup performed.Optional
client_reference_idAn ID you have associated with your verification request.Present
verification_session_idVerification Session ID (unique to every verification session).Present
template_idThe template ID against which verification was run.Present
environmentIn the sandbox, returns SANDBOX, in production, returns nullOptional
created_atCreation time of the verification session.

Stored as Unix timestamp in milliseconds.

Response properties explained


This object contains the summary of results from AiPrise.

aiprise_summary is an object containing the following fields:

  • verification_result: string This is one of APPROVED, DECLINED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
Verification ResultDescription
APPROVEDThe end user or business has been verified. The verification process successfully completed.
DECLINEDThe end user or business has not been verified. The verification process successfully completed.
REVIEWThe end user or business needs to be manually looked at. The verification process successfully completed.
UNKNOWNUnknown status. The verification process failed.


The status corresponds to the run status of the verification process.

status is a string which can be one of NOT_STARTED, RUNNING, PENDING, FAILED, COMPLETED.

NOT_STARTEDThe verification process has not started yet. Most likely pre-conditions are being checked.
RUNNINGThe verification process is running.
PENDINGThe verification process is waiting for a third-party API to complete its processing.
FAILEDThe verification process failed. status_reasons(explained below) should have more details.
COMPLETEDThe verification process successfully completed.


This object is populated when the above status is set to FAILED

status_reasons is an array of objects. Example :

"status_reasons": [
    "message": "Invalid business data. tax_identification_number missing."

A full list of status_reasons can be found in Status Error Codes


This object contains business data extracted for the business.

business_info is an object with the following structure

  • result: string: One of FOUND, NOT_FOUND, UNKNOWN.
  • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this business.
  • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
  • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons associated with this business. Only present when the status is set to FAILED.
  • name: string: Name of the business entity, either user-supplied or extracted from the lookup.
  • entity_type: string: Corporate structure of the business, e.g. LLC, C-Corp, etc.
  • phone_numbers: Array of strings: Phone numbers associated with the business.
  • website: Website associated with the business.
  • emails: Array of stringsEmail addresses associated with the business.
  • addresses: Array of objects | null: Contains address extracted for the business.
    • full_address: string | null: Address as a single string.
    • parsed_address: array of object | null: Parsed address.
      • address_street_1: object | null
      • address_street_2: object | null
      • address_city: object | null
      • address_state: object | null
      • address_country: object | null
      • address_zip_code: object | null
  • tax_id: string: Tax ID of the business
  • business_id: string: In some countries, businesses also have a business_entity_id or business_id. Note that this is not the same as the Tax ID.
  • business_scope: object Activities of this business.


This object contains the registration-related information about the business.

  • formation_date: The date on which the business was created.
  • status: Current status of the registry record - eg. active, inactive, dissolved, etc
  • registration_records: Array of objects | null: Individual registry records. (A business can have multiple registration records if it is registered in multiple jurisdictions)
    • name: string: Registered name of the business entity
    • record_id: string: Registration number of the business.
    • entity_type: string: Registered entity type. Eg. LLC, C-Corp, etc
    • status: string: Status of the registry record - eg. active, inactive, dissolved, etc
    • registration_date: string: Date of registration
    • city: string
    • state: string
    • country: string
    • source_url: string: Link to the registry record
    • source_name: string: Name of the registry
    • addresses: Array of objects|null\: Contains the registered address of the business.


This object contains information about the officers and directors of the business.

  • person_reference_id: string - The person's reference ID.
  • first_name: string - The person's first name.
  • middle_name: string - The person's middle name.
  • last_name: string - The person's last name.
  • full_name: string - The person's full name.
  • birth_date: string - The person's full birth date (YYYY-MM-DD).
  • ownership_percent: float - The ownership percentage associated with the person.
  • shares_allocated: int - The number of shares allocated to the person.
  • email: string - The person's email address.
  • phone_number: string - The person's phone number.
  • address: Address of the person
    • full_address: string|null\: Address as a single string.
    • parsed_address: array of object | null: Parsed address.
      • address_street_1: object | null
      • address_street_2: object | null
      • address_city: object | null
      • address_state: object | null
      • address_country: object | null
      • address_zip_code: object | null
  • roles: List of objects (Optional) - A list of dictionaries representing the person's roles.
    • name: string: Name of the roles
    • start_date: string: Date when the person joined this role (YYYY-MM-DD)
    • end_date: string: If the person is no longer serving the role, the last date.
    • is_active boolean: If the person is still actively serving in that role
  • kyc: object If KYC has run for the person, contains the KYC session details
    • verification_session_id: string AiPrise session_id of user verification case
  • identity: object Identity details like document or ID number associated with this person.
  • additional_fields: dict[str, str] - Additional fields or attributes associated with the person.


This object contains information about the related companies (eg. subsidiaries, parent organization, etc)

  • company_reference_id: string- The company's reference ID.
  • name: string - The name of the company.
  • status: string - The status of the company.
  • description: string - A description or additional information about the company.
  • addresses: List of objects - A list of extracted addresses associated with the company.
    • full_address: string|null\: Address as a single string.
    • parsed_address: array of object | null: Parsed address.
    • address_street_1: object | null
    • address_street_2: object | null
    • address_city: object | null
    • address_state: object | null
    • address_country: object | null
    • address_zip_code: object | null
  • ownership_percent: float - The ownership percentage associated with the company.
  • shares_allocated: int - The number of shares allocated to the company.
  • roles: List[dict] - A list of dictionaries representing the company's roles. (Maybe None if no roles are available).
    • name: string\: Name of the roles
    • date: string: Date when the company joined this role (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • kyb: object - A dictionary representation of the company's KYB (Know Your Business) information.
    • verification_session_id: string\ AiPrise session_id of business verification case


This object contains insights derived from the company's website

  • result: string - One of UNKNOWN, FOUND, NOT_FOUND.
  • warnings: list of objects - A list of warning entries associated with the website.
  • status: string: One of COMPLETED, FAILED, PENDING.
  • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons associated with this business. Only present when the status is set to FAILED.
  • site_status: string - The status of the website.
  • url: string - The URL associated with the website.
  • title: string - The title or name associated with the website.
  • description: string - A description or additional information about the website.
  • domain_creation_date: string - The date when the domain was created.
  • domain_expiration_date: string - The date when the domain is set to expire.


  • date: string - A date of the event
  • event_type: string - Type of the event eg. Registration, Dissolved, etc
  • metadata: dictionary - Data associated with the event


List of objects - data fetched from public/government data sets about the business.

  • database_name: string - name of the lookup data source
  • title: string - lookup name/list name
  • data: dictionary - Data extracted from the lookup


This object contains AML data.

  • result: string: One of APPROVED, REVIEW, UNKNOWN.
  • warnings: Array of objects | null: A list of warnings associated with this ID.
  • status_reasons: Array of objects | null: A list of status reasons associated with this business.
  • num_hits: int: Number of AML hits found.
  • search_criteria: object : containing the original search constraints
    • search_term: string that was searched
    • fuzziness_score: number: fuzziness between 1 to 100
    • exact_match: boolean: whether the results needed to be an exact match
  • entity_hits: Array of objects | null: A list of hits.
    • entity_type: string: One of PERSON, COMPANY, ORGANISATION, UNKNOWN.
    • name: string: Name against which the Hit has occurred.
    • name_match_score: float: Name match score. The value is out of 100.
    • also_known_as: Array of string: A list of alternate names for this entity.
    • aml_hits: Array of objects: A list of AML hits for this entity.
      • source_details: object | null:
        • name: string | null: Source name.
        • source_id: string | null: Source id.
        • url: string | null: Source URL.
        • listing_started: string | null: Listing start date.
        • listing_ended: string| null: Listing end date.
        • country_codes: Array of strings | null: List of countries.
        • aml_types: Array of strings | null: Detailed AML types.
      • fields: Array of objects | null
        • name: string: The field key.
        • value: string | object: The field value.
        • type: string | null: The type of this field. One of country_codes, country_names, url.
      • media: Array of objects | null: A list of media objects.
        • title: string | null: Media listing title.
        • url: string| null: Media listing url.
        • date: string | null: Media listing date.
        • snippet: string | null: Media listing snippet.


An id you have associated with your verification request.

client_reference_id is a string


Verification Session ID (unique to every verification session).

verification_session_id is a string


Template ID against which this verification was processed.

template_id is a string


In the Sandbox environment, returns SANDBOX. In the production environment, the field is not present.


Unix timestamp in milliseconds at which the verification response was created.

created_at is an integer