Events Callback

When events occur for the User, AiPrise sends a callback (a Post Request) to the events_callback_url

There are two ways to set the events_callback_url

  1. Set the events_callback_url at the template level. This can be set from the Dashboard > View Templates> {Template ID}
  2. Set the events_callback_url in Additional Settings when running a new verification session for the user


In case events_callback_url is passed as part of Additional Settings when doing a verification, it will take precedence over the one set at template level.

Type of Callback Events



event_typeThe type of event callback. Here, it will be CASE_STATUS_UPDATE
verification_session_idThe ID associated with the verification session
verification_resultThe result of the verification session
authorInformation about the person that updated the status
author.emailEmail address of the person
client_reference_idThe ID provided as client_reference_id at the time of session creation



event_typeThe type of event callback. Here, it will be AML_MONITORING_UPDATE
dataData associated with the session
data.verification_session_idThe ID associated with the verification session
data.template_idThe ID associated with the template
data.aml_monitoring_updateNew, Removed and Updated entity names against which a hit has occurred



event_typeThe type of event callback. Here, it will be VERIFICATION_REQUEST_SUBMITTED
verification_session_idThe ID associated with the verification session
client_reference_idThe ID provided as client_reference_id at the time of session creation