Theming & Customization
Property | Type | Default Value | Notes |
background | light or dark | light | |
color_page | string (hex code) | #5251FD | This property allows you to change the background color of the page (i.e. background color of the area outside the main card) Important: This area is not visible in phone view. |
color_brand | string (hex code) | #5251FD | Your primary brand color. This gets applied to buttons, icons, etc. |
color_brand_overlay | string (hex code) | #FFFFFF | This is the color of all items that are placed over your brand color. For example, color of the text inside your buttons. Or color of icons on layouts where the background color is the brand color. |
font_name | string | Plus Jakarta Sans | The name should match exactly with the name mentioned on Google Fonts. |
font_weights | string | 300,400,500,600,700 | This should be a single string with separated by commas. Important: This option needs to be modified ONLY if you are customizing the weights of the buttons, inputs, etc and using a value that is not present in the default list (for example 800). |
Property | Type | Default Value | Note |
button_border_radius | string | 8px | |
button_padding | string | 18px | Any valid CSS value (like rem , % , etc) can be used here. |
button_font_size | string | 16px | |
button_font_weight | string | 400 | If you are changing it to any value apart from 300, 400, 500, 600 or 700, make sure to update the font_weights property. |
Property | Type | Default Value | Note |
input_border_radius | string | 8px | |
input_padding | string | 14px 18px | Any valid CSS value (like rem , % , etc) can be used here. |
input_font_size | string | 16px | |
input_font_weight | string | 500 | If you are changing it to any value apart from 300, 400, 500, 600 or 700, make sure to update the font_weights property. |
input_label_font_size | string | 16px | |
input_label_font_weight | string | 500 | If you are changing it to any value apart from 300, 400, 500, 600 or 700, make sure to update the font_weights property |
Property | Type | Default Value | Note |
layout_border_radius | string | 18px | This is the border radius of the main card which contains our verification flow. Important: This value is not applicable in phone view as the card takes up the entire screen. |
modal_border_radius | string | 12px | Border radius for popups, modals, etc. |
image_border_radius | string | 12px | Border radius for captured images. |
Updated about 1 year ago