BVN API gives all the details about a user including user's name, address, phone number and their photo.

Endpoint: run_user_verification

There are 2 types of BVN APIs

1. BVN Lookup

Validate the BVN number of a user against the government database. This API requires just BVN number as input.


    "template_id" : "{{YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID}}",
    "user_data": {
        "identity": {
            "identity_country_code": "NG",
            "identity_number_type": "BVN",
            "identity_number": "{{Valid_BVN_Number}}"


  "aiprise_summary": {
    "verification_result": "APPROVED"
  "client_reference_id": null,
  "created_at": 123456789,
  // Identity Info
  "id_info": {
    // Normalized fields.
    "address": {
      "full_address": "",
      "parsed_address": null
    "birth_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "first_name": "",
    "full_name": "",
    "gender": "",
    "id_issue_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "id_number": "",
    "id_type": "BVN",
    "issue_country": "Nigeria",
    "issue_country_code": "NG",
    "last_name": "",
    "middle_name": "",
    "nationality": "Nigeria",
    // Government Lookup details.
    "lookup_details": {
      "lookup_list": [
          "lookup_source": "Nigerian Inter-Bank Settlement Systems",
          "lookup_type": "BVN",
          "issuer_country_code": "NG",
          "lookup_data": {
            "birth_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "bvn": "",
            "email": "",
            "enrollment_bank": "",
            "enrollment_branch": "",
            "first_name": "",
            "gender": "",
            "last_name": "",
            "level_of_account": "",
            "lga_of_origin": "",
            "lga_of_residence": "",
            "marital_status": "",
            "middle_name": "",
            "name_on_card": "",
            "nin": "",
            "phone_number": "",
            "phone_number2": "",
            "registration_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "state_of_origin": "",
            "state_of_residence": "",
            "title": "",
            "user_photo": "{{BASE64_STRING}}",
            "watch_listed": null
    "result": "APPROVED"
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "template_id": "{{YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID}}",
  "verification_session_id": ""

2. BVN Lookup + Face Match

Validate the BVN number of a user against the government database and also do a face match against the photo retrieved from the database. This API requires a BVN number and the user's selfie as input. We fetch the BVN data and match the given selfie of the user against the photo stored in the government database.


    "template_id" : "{{YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID}}",
    "user_data": {
        "identity": {
            "identity_country_code": "NG",
            "identity_number_type": "BVN",
            "identity_number": "{{Valid_BVN_Number}}"
        "selfie": "{{Valid_Base64_String}}"


  "aiprise_summary": {
    "verification_result": "APPROVED"
  "client_reference_id": null,
  "created_at": 123456789,

  // Face Match Info
  "face_match_info": {
    "face_match_score": 98.44,
    "result": "APPROVED"

  // Identity Info.
  "id_info": {
    // Normalized fields.
    "address": {
      "full_address": "",
      "parsed_address": null
    "birth_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "first_name": "",
    "full_name": "",
    "gender": "",
    "id_issue_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "id_number": "",
    "id_type": "BVN",
    "issue_country": "Nigeria",
    "issue_country_code": "NG",
    "last_name": "",
    "middle_name": "",
    "nationality": "Nigeria",
    // Government Lookup details.
    "lookup_details": {
      "lookup_list": [
          "lookup_source": "Nigerian Inter-Bank Settlement Systems",
          "lookup_type": "BVN",
          "issuer_country_code": "NG",
          "lookup_data": {
            "birth_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "bvn": "",
            "email": "",
            "enrollment_bank": "",
            "enrollment_branch": "",
            "first_name": "",
            "gender": "",
            "last_name": "",
            "level_of_account": "",
            "lga_of_origin": "",
            "lga_of_residence": "",
            "marital_status": "",
            "middle_name": "",
            "name_on_card": "",
            "nin": "",
            "phone_number": "",
            "phone_number2": "",
            "registration_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "state_of_origin": "",
            "state_of_residence": "",
            "title": "",
            "user_photo": "{{BASE64_STRING}}",
            "watch_listed": null
    "result": "APPROVED"
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "template_id": "{{YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID}}",
  "verification_session_id": ""